Ontario Alcohol Retail Market FAQ
What are the changes to the Ontario alcohol retail market that were announced on May 24, 2024?
The government announced an expedited timeline for changes to the alcohol retail market, taking effect starting in summer 2024. For more information, please see the Ontario Government Press Release.
What do I need to do to sell alcohol at my store in Ontario?
All retailers of alcoholic beverages must be licensed through the AGCO (Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario). You can contact the AGCO at 416-326-8700 / 1-800-522-2876 (toll-free in Ontario) or on their website to start the application process.
What are the rules for selling beer in my store?
For information about rules for selling alcohol in Ontario, please refer to the AGCO website.
What brands or packs of beer should I carry in my store?
We would be happy to help you decide what products to carry in your establishment. Please contact us at 416-679-5481 or retailontario@molsoncoors.com and we can discuss recommended packs that would be best for your location and will send you a catalogue with our full product assortment.
I have more questions, who should I contact for more information?
Please contact us at 416-679-5481 or retailontario@molsoncoors.com and we would be happy to help you.